I chose to look into r/elementaryteachers for my PLN. This is something that is very interesting to me as I am going to become an elementary school teacher. I have been able to learn about many different teachers experiences through the reddit page. There are many different experiences that are shared on this reddit page. There are also some teachers that share different lesson plans and teaching resources. These are things that are incredibly useful for my learning. I hope to be able to contribute to these as I become a teacher and have successful lessons to share with others.

I have found that reddit has been the most useful social media platform for finding different PLNs as there is such a wide variety of reddit pages. It is also incredibly easy to contribute to the Reddit page, as well as interact with other members of the Reddit page. This allows the most interaction within a PLN that I have been able to get involved with. I have also found that there are many Facebook groups, however, they are not always as easy to get involved with as they can often be private groups.

I have not yet contributed to my PLN because I do not have lesson plans that I am comfortable sharing with other teachers, as I am still a student teacher. I have not been able to see which lessons that I have curated are successful in a classroom. I am still learning how to create a comprehension lesson that ties into a unit plan. This is why I have yet to contribute teaching resources into my PLN. I plan on contributing to this PLN once I have completed my BEd program and have more experiences in classroom as a teacher.

One thing that I may be able to achieve through this PLN is building connections. I have been planning on potentially going internationally on a teaching VISA after graduating with a teaching degree. This could allow me to make some connections with other teachers in places where I may be interested in teaching in the future. This is something that I could see being possible through a PLN like this one because it is an open forum that anyone can join. Being apart of a PLN that is international, it allows for connections throughout different parts of the world.