Blog #2

Digital identity is formed by what you post online. It is how people identify and perceive you based off your online image. This can be influenced by many things, such as the pictures and videos you post, as well as comments and other writing pieces you put online. I really like this Youtube video about digital identity. It gives me a very clear explanation about what digital identity is and how you can find your own digital identity. I thought it was very interesting that the video suggested googling yourself to see what your digital identity looks like. I would not have thought to do that before. When I did that, I found that I have a very small digital identity. This is likely because all of my social media accounts are private and I do not post many things online.

I personally use social media however I don’t post myself often. I keep my accounts private, as I don’t want people that I don’t know to see what I post. This is because I generally only post photos of my friends/family, and some general accomplishments. I don’t always feel the need to have strangers on the internet seeing what I am doing with my personal time.

I feel as though the things I do post online would be considered professional, if they were made public. I choose to not post things that would be considered inappropriate, or unprofessional, as they are just not something that I want to have on the internet. I personally approach my digital identity with the intention that, if someone from my professional life were to see it, that it would not be an issue. This compliments my general digital identify well, as I have always be very aware of the things that I choose to post online. I have known since I first got social media that once something is put online, it never comes off of it. This is why I have never been conflicted in my personal versus professional digital identity.

There are many platforms that continue to grow online. Many of these platforms I use, but I don’t contribute to. Things like Youtube, or Tik Tok, I enjoy watching the things that others post on these platforms, but I don’t contribute my own videos to these platforms. I plan on keeping this approach in the future as new social media platform emerge. I will watch and participate in the social media platforms I enjoy using, however I don’t always feel the need to contribute towards the platforms.

1 Comment

  1. Aike

    Hi Amanda! Thank you so much for sharing (especially the video).I need to learn from you to be careful about what people post online.Because sometimes I feel like when I speak on different platforms, no one pays attention.But your consideration of professionalism reminds me of a time when my friend almost got fired for venting.

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