The PLN that I chose to learn about for this week was Teacher Pay Teachers. This is a community that spans across multiple different platforms. This main platform of teachers pay Teachers is a website that is designed for teachers to share different teaching resources. These can range from all ages and teaching levels, as well as different price ranges. There are also some different classroom resources included on teachers pay teachers. This website is meant for sharing teaching resources, and less about teachers interacting in conversations with one another. This is very intriguing to me as I have not seen many other PLN’s that share so many resources with one another. This really shows how much the teachers who are involved in this community care about supporting each other which is incredibly important to me.

Teachers pay teachers is also on many other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. This is where they promote their website. This is also where teachers can interact with each other. These platforms are where a majority of communication between teachers happen. The exchange of resources is done through the main website. I am more likely to interact with the main website, as it has more content that I am interested in. However, the Facebook group allows for many different types of interactions between teachers. I could see these platforms being useful if I ever wanted to get advice or share my experiences with teachers I was not familiar with. I would definitely want to create separate social media accounts that are not my own personal accounts if I were to comment on these platforms. This would allow me to keep my personal accounts separated from my professional life.

I plan on utilizing the main teachers pay teachers website as I begin my journey as a teacher. There are so many incredible resources that are shared on this website that can greatly impact my teaching. I also hope to contribute to the resources that are being shared on the website. I do plan on being very careful about the resources that I share, as I do not want people to be able to find out personal information about me. I would not want to share things such as my school district, or curriculum online as that can lead to people being able to find out where I work. I would also be incredibly careful about the resources I choose to utilize in my classrooms. I would not want to use a resource that is not appropriate for my students.